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Tasters Sessions:



  • Thursday, June 30th: 9.30am-12.30pm Some Spaces Still Available

  • Please contact me if you are interested in taking part






Day Retreats:



  • Sunday, June 19th: 10am-4pm

  • Sunday, July 10th: 10am-4pm

  • Sunday, September 25th: 10am-4pm

  • Sunday, October 9th: 10am-4pm

  • Sunday, November 6th: 10am-4pm

  • Sunday, December 4th: 10am-4pm




Regular Groups:



Monthly: Sunday mornings 10am-1pm, starting February 7th.  Now Full

Spaces available again, starting in September.

Please Contact me if you are interested


Weekly: Monday mornings 9.30am-12.30pm. 

Open to new participant soon. Please contact me if you are interested in joining.







Taster & Regular Sessions: £40.00 All materials, healthy snacks and teas provided


Day retreats: £100 All materials, healthy snacks and teas provided. Some food for lunch is also provided, with the invitation for participants to bring some food to share.


Weekend Retreats Available: £200

I can put you in touch with local B&B's







I am opening my studio in Berwick for Lewes ArtWave

Saturday & Sundays, August 20th & 21st; September 3rd & 4th, 10.30am-5.30pm.


There will be Demonstrations and Taster Sessions:  2pm-3.30pm each day.


Pre-book advised

SEE Make Your Mark page

Also I will be highlighting the Mark Your Mark theme exhibiting two of my pieces, seen to the right, in the Artists United Show at the Foundry Gallery

in Lewes, (see poster below).


                                                                                                Make Your Mark: 'please meet me'





                                                                                                            Make Your Mark: 'there is only ever the blue line'




Movement with painting 

Sound with painting





You can change the way you live your life.


Supporting you to wellbeing through the arts.



Call Me:



Sarah Paget 






Make Your Mark

Integrative Arts Psychotherapy

with Sarah Paget

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